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Global Student Experience

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships


Foreign Scholars interested in pursuing their postgraduate studies and research in Switzerland can apply for Government Excellence Scholarships from the Swiss Government.

In order to apply for a postgraduate scholarship one must hold at least a Master's Degree. A scholarship can be awarded in all disciplines and is valid at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and at the two federal institutes for technology.

Further Information on the scholarship program in general can be found here:
Federal Commission for Scholarships
Will you be my supervisor? (PDF, 126 KB)


Information on the range of PhD study programs at the University of Zurich can be found on our UZH website:
UZH PhD study programs

Three different types of scholarships, at PhD and Postdoc level

At the University of Zurich, we support three different types of scholarships:

PhD Scholarship, full PhD degree-program (up to max. 36 months)
for highly qualified PhD students from all academic fields. Please find all relevant information in this document: 

PhD scholarship (PDF, 133 KB)

Postdoctoral Scholarship (12 months without prolongation)
for highly qualified postdoctoral fellows from all academic fields.

Please find all relevant information in this document: 

Postdoctoral scholarship (PDF, 84 KB)

Research Scholarship (12 months without prolongation)
for highly qualified postgraduate researchers from all academic fields as well as young medical doctors.

Please find all relevant information in this document: 

Research scholarship (PDF, 86 KB)

Information for Supervising Professors

Application Period

Before accepting a candidate and before issuing a letter of commitment which is a prerequisite for the scholarship applicant, a thorough consideration is recommended with regard to:

  • Academic competence
  • Quality of the research project
  • Skill to perform laboratory work independently if required by the project
  • Language proficiency
  • Personal contact and interview via Skype is highly recommended

Additional information concerning doctoral students/PhD scholarships:

  • Pre-clarification through the Admissions Office as to whether the potential candidate can be admitted to an individual doctorate at UZH
  • Clarification within the department of whether the mandatory additional funding can be guaranteed (see point "New responsibilities for UZH supervisors of of PhD scholarship holders  from HS22 on")
  • Personal contact and interview via Skype is mandatory
  • In the event that the doctorate cannot be completed within the granted funding period of 36 months, the supervisor is asked to financially support the scholarship holder in the completion of the dissertation or to assist in the application for funding
  • The fellowship begins on 1 September of the respective calendar year. In general a start after 1 September is not possible

New responsibilities for UZH supervisors of PhD scholarship holders from HS 2022 on:

  • All supervisors who have already committed to FCS scholarship holders up to and including HS 2021 are highly encouraged to ensure additional funding from HS 2021 if possible.
  • From HS 2022 onwards, additional funding is mandatory for all upcoming supervisors who have not yet (status by spring semester 2021) committed to an FCS scholarship holder.
  • The difference between the FCS fellowship and the minimum salary for SNF doctoral students is to be funded by the supervisor/institute .

Detailed information on the amount of the differential payment and on the employment of doctoral students with a federal scholarship can be found in the fact sheet "FCS Scholarship Holders".

Weiterführende Informationen


Alice Ragueneau

+41 44 634 65 11



- Contact person at UZH after being admitted to the scholarship program

- Liaison between scholarship holder, supervising professor and FCS

- Providing general information on search for accommodation, things to do before, during and after your stay in Switzerland

- Assistance with finding your way around UZH and Switzerland, registration with the authorities, health insurance and so forth

Time Frame of Application Procedure

► Early August: Release of Program 

► September: Call for Proposals

► Between September and December: Submission Deadline

► Between March and May: Selection and Award

► September: Start of Studies
