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Global Student Experience

Subject-Specific Exchanges ("Faculty-Agreements")

Student Exchange in the Framework of a "Faculty-/Departmental" Agreement

The faculties at UZH have concluded faculty or department agreements with several universities worldwide. Within the framework of these agreements, students from our partner institutions have the possibility to study one or two semesters at UZH. These agreements address students of the relevant fields of study only.

Application Procedure

In order to apply for the exchange program, you must be selected by your home university. Please contact the International Relations Office at your home university for information about their application procedure. After you have been selected by your university, you will receive an email with the link to the online application form. Please fill in the form and upload the required application documents on Mobility Online. You will receive the login for the database in due time.

You can find further information about the application documents, the application deadline and the acceptance procedure at the responsible faculty or institute.

Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

English Language and Literature

Gender Studies

Japanese Studies

Political Science

Slavonic Language and Literature

Social Anthropology

Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion


Faculty of Medicine