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Global Student Experience

Intercultural Navigator

The Program to Accompany Your Exchange Semester

Even if you think that your host country may not be that different from Switzerland, you already have experience abroad, or you simply don't think that you need to prepare for a stay abroad: Engaging with different contexts and your role in them is extremely important, particularly in an international environment. The Intercultural Navigator is designed to support you in this.

The easily accessible program gives you the opportunity to deepen the competencies acquired during your stay abroad. The Intercultural Navigator covers the phases before, during and after your exchange stay and consists of an online platform and an in-person workshop. The Intercultural Navigator is open to all exchange students. The debriefing Workshop following the end of your exchange stay provides ample opportunity for discussion and self-reflection. Your experiences will be addressed during the workshop and further developed with regard to your further studies and future career prospects.

Before Going Abroad

Preliminary reflection on your upcoming trip will help you to prepare for your exchange. You may have unanswered questions before you go: How do I deal with “culture shock”? What will my exchange do for my professional future? How do I handle prejudice? Can I actually prepare myself for an exchange stay?

This is precisely where the Intercultural Navigator comes in: to begin with, you will find videos on a digital pinboard (“Padlet”) with useful information and insights for your move abroad.  

During Your Exchange

During the semester, the padlet will be continuously updated with new resources to help you document your experiences. At the same time, you have the opportunity to read the experiences of other UZH exchange students via the padlet. 

A number of questions will guide you through the process: How do I handle change? Do I adapt well to new environments? In what ways have I adapted, and in what ways have I not? These reflections will be fleshed out and put into a broader context in the workshop after your return from your time abroad.

After Your Exchange

In the debriefing workshop, you will have the opportunity to review your time abroad, have discussions and learn how you can consolidate your intercultural skills and experiences and use them to your advantage. A particular focus is also on the opportunity to exchange ideas with your fellow students. 

What will you take away from your exchange? What skills will be beneficial to you in the future, not least in your professional life? Which of your skills can you pass on? These and other questions will be the subject of the workshop. 

Weiterführende Informationen

Pilot Project Fall Semester 2023

In collaboration with a specialist GSE piloted an online program and corresponding in-person workshop event after completion of the exchange stay in the fall semester 2023. The aim of the project was to create a centralized resource to promote intercultural skills for outgoing students. This resulted in the Intercultural Navigator: a program to accompany the exchange stay.

Student Ambassadors Wanted!

Did you have a great time during your exchange ? Would you like to support GSE in giving other students the same opportunity? Sign up as aStudent Ambassador and encourage others who are considering an exchange!