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Global Student Experience


You are obliged to organize your accommodations abroad yourself. However, many of our partner universities provide assistance in finding rooms.  

Some student residences offer special conditions for Swiss students. For details, see below. 

Maison Suisse Paris

Swiss students who would like to study in Paris can apply for a room in the Maison Suisse of the "Cité internationale universitaire de Paris" (CIUP) in Paris.

Built in 1932, the Swiss House is the work of architect Le Corbusier. The rooms are furnished, plus there is a fridge, shower, and sink as well as Internet access. Depending on the length of your stay, the rent for a room is between € 500 and € 550 a month.

UZH students can apply for a room either at the Office of the Vice President Education and Student Affairs or directly on the "Cité” website. 

Office of the Vice President Education and Student Affairs (PDF, 1 MB) (document in German)

CIUP, Maison Suisse

Preference is given to persons who are at an advanced stage in their studies or have already graduated.

Student Residence in Munich

A special accommodation option is available to Swiss students who wish to spend an exchange year in Munich or complete their studies there: The Ingeborg van Calker Foundation, based in St. Gallen,has a student residence in Munich which is managed by the Munich Student Union. Requests from Swiss students are given preference.

Interested parties can submit their informal request to the Student Union and will then be notified as to whether a room is available. Further information about the residence can be found on the Student Union website.

Contact Verwaltungsstelle Olympisches Dorf, Helene-Mayer-Ring 9, DE - 80809 Munich. Phone: +49 89 35 71 35 12, E-Mail:

Studentenwerk München - Wohnanlage can Calker-Stiftung

Collegio Ghislieri in Pavia

Swiss students from UZH who wish to study at the University of Pavia have the opportunity to apply for a room in the Collegio Ghislieri in Pavia.

Established in1567, the Collegio Ghislieri is a private institution which offers approx. 200 students top-quality accommodation. The Collegio is located near the university in the center of Pavia. The room package includes 3 meals a day, housekeeping, access to the library, sports facilities, and other college services. The single rooms are furnished, plus there is a fridge, shower, and sink as well as Internet access. The rent for a room is € 700 a month. 

UZH students who are interested in a room in Ghislieri College are invited to contact Global Student Experience. Preference is given to SEMP students of mass communication and musicology.

Collegio Ghislieri

Weiterführende Informationen

Renting Out Rooms to Students from Abroad?

Rooms are required each semester for exchange students from abroad. If you wish to sublet your room for the duration of your stay abroad, please visit the website of the Housing Office of UZH and ETHZ where you can advertise for free. 

Housing Office UZH/ETH Zurich