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Global Student Experience

Subject-Specific Agreements

It is up to the departmental coordinators to nominate students for subject-specific exchanges at partner universities. They also stipulate the selection process and selection criteria. Please inform yourself well in advance about the requirements and deadlines applicable to your subject of study.

Your application is handed in on Mobility Online. In the application form you can choose up to three universities from different exchange programs. A video tutorial on how to use Mobility Online can be found here:

Application Documents

The following application documents have to be handed in:

  • Letter of motivation: The letter of motivation should consist of at least one A4- and at most two A4-pages. Depending on the departmental coordinator of your subject the letter of motivation has to be issued in German, English or in the teaching language of the host university.
  • Proof of language skills: Please consider the requirements of the departmental coordinator of your subject. If the departmental coordinator does not define any requirements, the proof can also be in the form of an explanation (PDF-document). In this explanation please demonstrate how you plan to achieve the required language skills of the host university until the start of your exchange. German native speakers who apply for an exchange at a partner university in a German speaking country do not have to upload a proof of their language skills (please upload an empty PDF).
  • Current transcript of records
  • Passport-sized photograph (max. 500x500 pixel)
  • A copy of your passport / identity card
  • Subject-specific documents: Please ask your departmental coordinator if you have to hand in other documents in your subject. 

Helpful Hints

  • Fill in all three priorities in your application form on Mobility Online. The chances of receiving an offer are higher if multiple priorities are selected, though of course this only applies if you are equally interested in the universities in priorities two and three also.
  • You are free to mix priorities from different exchange programs (SEMP, university-wide, etc.). Please note the different application deadlines. The complete application must be submitted by the earliest deadline stipulated.
  • You can also indicate that you are flexible in your choice of university in your letter of motivation. Should be not be able to offer you any of your three priorities, we may suggest a spot at a different university.
  • Choose your universities based on academic factors. A strong application entails a letter of motivation that outlines the academic value of your choice in detail, and emphasizes the importance of an exchange at precisely that university.
  • Inquire with your subject which universities could be particularly suited to you, and read the experience reports on our website.

Registering at the Partner University

A separate registration from the student is required by most universities. Please clarify this well in advance. In most cases, you can obtain information from your departmental coordinator or directly from the partner university. Be sure to adhere to the partner university's deadlines!

The final decision on your acceptance lies with the partner university. However, students nominated by UZH are generally accepted.

Information on Proceeding with and Completing your Exchange

Further information on your SEMP-exchange can be found here: Organizational Matters


Link to Mobility Online.

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