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Seid, student in Law attended the course "Law, Society and Politics in Comparative Perspective"
“It is worth to mention the experience you make during your winter or summer school and all the people you are getting to know from different countries. It’s nice. Firstly, it’s in Berlin and it has a historical meaning, how it was founded and everything. And it’s international; that’s one aspect that I also wanted to get a feeling of. We had some people from South America, from Asia, from everywhere like Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea. Colombia. The firsthand experience you get from these people here at FUBiS is very nice.”
Daniel, student in Law attended the course "Law, Society and Politics in Comparative Perspective"
“Berlin is quite a cool place to go to. For me, it’s not only the course but also meeting people from all over the place. You also have to say that the team behind FUBiS is really great. I was really happy about that.”
Sofia, bachelor student of biomedicine, went to the summer school "from Laboratory Bench to Hospital Bedside".
'In these three weeks I have had loads of good experiences. The biomedical science program contained many hours of laboratory work and I think I will be able to make great use of them for my studies at the University of Zurich, where I study biomedicine. But also, the time I spent socializing with the other students from all over the world are part of my amazing and unforgettable memories.
There was also a lot of space to explore the city, to make new friends and to get to know the culture of England. In this way, summer school was also a good opportunity to improve my English and have an insight into cultures of other countries, like Brazil, Hong Kong and USA, through my friends.'
Pamela, bachelor student of English language and literature, participated in the course "British Culture and Heritage".
'Das Programm war sehr vielseitig und super interessant. Das Programm schloss sich zusammen aus Vorlesungen auf dem Campus und Führungen sowie Ausflügen in alle Teile Englands (Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Liverpool). Die Professoren, Dozenten und „student ambassadors“ – gleichaltrige Studenten, die uns begleiteten – waren sehr hilfsbereit und standen den Studenten bei allem bei.
Für den Preis und die Credits lohnt sich der Aufwand und man bekommt sehr viel zu sehen. Es hat wirklich sehr Spass gemacht.'
Lara, master student in educational science, did the course on “Global Cities as Centers of Knowledge Production”.
'Insgesamt war die Summer School an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin eine grossartige und wertvolle Erfahrung, die ich jedem weiterempfehlen würde.
Unser Kurs wurde eher im Stil eines Seminars geführt. Da wir eine sehr spannend durchmischte Gruppe und einen sehr netten und engagierten Professor hatten, waren die Diskussionen sehr anregend und lehrreich. In der Freizeit werden von der HUWISU sehr viele verschiedene kulturelle Aktivitäten durchgeführt, die alle in den Kurskosten inbegriffen sind. So findet am ersten Tag eine Spree-Schifffahrt statt, und ich habe beispielsweise an Touren im Reichstag und im Kanzleramt, einer Stadtführung sowie einer Potsdam-Tour teilgenommen.'
Nami, bachelor student in political science, attended the summer school “Regionalisms - Varieties of Hegemony around the World”.
'Berlin ist eine tolle Stadt, in der es nie langweilig wird. Es gibt unendlich viele Aktivitäten, die man während seiner Zeit in Berlin unternehmen kann. Die perfekte Balance zwischen den Vorlesungen und den extracurricularen Aktivitäten sorgten dafür, dass es immer abwechslungsreich und spannend blieb.'
Luise, student in History and German linguistics and literature, attended the course 'History of Christianity in Scotland' at the University of Glasgow.
'We usually had one day school, then one day off and once we went on a weekend trip to the Isle of Iona, which was really beautiful.
Glasgow itself is a fabulous city. The city is just so likeable, all people are friendly and even as a shy person like me you get into conversation with people. What's also great is that in summer there are a lot of festivals etc. that are free.'