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Global Student Experience

Non-Subject-Specific Exchanges ("University-Wide Agreements")

Exchange within a "University-Wide" Agreement

Within the framework of these non-subject-specific agreements students have the opportunity to study at UZH for one or two semesters. University-wide agreements are open to students of all subject areas, provided your own field of study is offered at UZH and is open to exchange students

Application Procedure at UZH

In order to apply for the UZH exchange program, you must first contact the International Relations Office at your home university. Your home university will nominate you for exchange at UZH, if applicable. After the nomination by your home university, you can apply at UZH:

  1. You will receive an email from us with the link to register on our online application platform Mobility Online. 
  2. After registering please upload the required application documents on Mobility Online. Please find more information about the application documents below.

Application Documents

  • Curriculum vitae
  • A letter of motivation describing your study or research plans of between 1 and 2 A4-pages
  • A tentative list of courses you plan to attend (at least 20 ECTS credits per semester). Tentative Study Plan (PDF, 108 KB)
    Please use our  online course catalogue as a reference (Guide "How to Use the Course Catalogue" (PDF, 272 KB))
  • Current transcript of records: Graduate students must also send a copy of their undergraduate diploma. Diplomas issued in any other language than German or English should be accompanied by a certified translation.
  • If you intend to take courses taught in German: Proof of proficiency in German at level C1 (according to the Common European Framework), issued by the Goethe Institute or the German department at your home university. 
  • If you intend to take courses taught in English you are required to submit proof of good English language skills: TOEFL iBT 90, IELTS 6.5, Cambridge Proficiency (CPE), Cambridge Advanced Certificate (CAE). Please contact us if you have an equivalent certificate not listed here. 
    To be admitted to courses at the English Department, you must fulfill the Department's requirements:
  • Passport-sized photograph, which will be used for your UZH student card. Make sure that the photo fulfills the following requirements: current photo in color (your head should be photographed in a frontal pose against a neutral background providing good contrast, and it should take up about 80% of the photo), aspect ratio 3:4, image size at least 400x533 pixel.
  • A copy of your passport ID page
  • Visa application form, in case a visa for your stay in Switzerland is required. The visa application form will be sent to you by the student advisor at UZH in due time.

We reserve the right to ask for a letter of recommendation. Your home university may also ask for additional forms and documents.

Application Deadlines

Applications must be uploaded on Mobility Online no later than 30 March for an exchange in the fall semester or for a full academic year, or 30 September for an exchange in the spring semester. As the application deadline at your home university may be earlier, we advise you to check early on with your home university about their procedures.

Acceptance Procedure

Global Student Experience will assess your application on Mobility Online and inform you regarding your acceptance by the end of April (for fall semester and academic year applicants) or end of October (spring semester applicants).

The final decision on acceptance lies with Global Student Experience at UZH.

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Incoming Team
+41 (0) 44 634 45 05