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Global Student Experience

FAQs for Degree-Seeking Students

Exchange students please consult the FAQs for Exchange Students


Question Answer
Does UZH provide Housing? UZH has a very small housing contingent for international Master's students, however students are highly encouraged to search for accommodation themselves. Available rooms will be published on the Housing Office search portal. Further information can be found here: ETH/UZH Housing Office
Where/how can I meet other students?

UZH Student Associations



Question Answer
What Master's programs does UZH offer?

A detailed overview of UZH Master's programs can be found here


Who can apply for a Master's degree? In order to be accepted into a Master's program at UZH you must hold a high-level Bachelor's diploma or an equivalent degree from a recognized university. The degree must be related to the Master's program you intend to study. Further information can be found here.
What are the language requirements? Information regarding language requirements can be found here.
Where/when can I apply

Application process

Application deadlines



Question Answer
How high are the tuition fees? Information on tuition fees can be found here 
Are there UZH scholarships for international Master's students?

Unfortunately, UZH does not have a dedicated scholarship pool for international Master's students.

How high is the cost of living in Zurich? Cost-of-Living-Calculator

Visa and Residence Permit

Question Answer

Do I need a visa?

Exchange students are asked to contact the Global Student Experience office directly.

Information on visas can be found here.
What do I need to pay attention to in my visa application? Guidelines for students with visa requirements
What do I need to do after entering Switzerland? After arrival in Switzerland
How long can I be outside of Switzerland before my residence permit expires automatically? With a B-permit you may spend a maximum of 180 days outside of Switzerland within 12 months. The day of your departure counts as day 1. 
May I take up work during my studies? Yes, under certain conditions. Further information can be found here.
Can I extend my stay in Switzerland for employment purposes? 

After successfully completing your degree you can apply for a so-called L-permit. This permit can be applied for at the local Registration Office, is valid for a total of 6 months, and allows you to look for suitable employment during this period. As soon as you have found employment, it is up to your employers to apply for a residency status change.

What do I need to do before I leave Switzerland? Before departure


Further information regarding your stay at UZH can be found in the section Organizational and Practical Matters

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact for Visa and Immigration Questions

Rosina Korschildgen

+41 44 634 20 28

Office hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

For academic questions and questions regarding admission please contact your department or the Admissions Office.